Global Agriculture Procurement & Logistics
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A team of experts with 30+ years of procurement and logistics experience within the global agriculture and commoditized chemistries market.
What we do

Active Ingredient Procurement

Working with a range of suppliers – from basic commoditized chemistries to advanced custom manufacturers of fine chemistries – to procure all chemicals required for production of AIs including raw materials, intermediate chemicals and also finished AI’s.

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what we do

Non-Active Ingredient Procurement

Working with global and regional suppliers to procure a range of direct materials from co-formulants to packaging and formulation, and fill-and-pack tolling services.

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what we do

Transportation & Logistics

No matter what requirements you have, we tailor logistics solutions for every mode of transport: road, air, sea, roll-on/roll-off or rail transport. Whether project, procurement or distribution logistics – we make logistics solutions work for the agricultural industry.

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Your Agriculture Procurement & Logistics Solution